We have had a busy week and weekend. We went to visit Aunt Laurie and Uncle Anthony in Nashville and spent time with sweet Annie Barclay. Annie was so cute and called Spencer "baby" the whole time. Spencer got to see his first crawfish....wasn't too crazy about it...yet. We rode up there with Kate, Jim and cousin James. Kate and I had the great plan that coming home we would keep the boys awake for the morning, feed them lunch and they could nap in the car on the way home. Let me tell you how WELL THAT worked....it was like misery in STEREO. James slept for a little while but the "crazy monkey" (for futher explaination-see the cell phone story) was not having it. We did make it home alive and Spencer slept for FOUR and HALF hours on monday at Ms. Anne's. Oh well-you live and and you learn and I bet Uncle Jim has learned never to sign on for that again!!!
So, today we took another trip in a smaller car. This is a Spencer's very fun car that he got from Shannon, Joel, Parker and Jacob for his birthday. We are trying to teach Hailey to take Spencer for a walk and pull the car-but she's not too keen on the idea and just sits down. Spencer LOVES his car AS LONG AS IT'S MOVING. The second we stop (or Hailey sits down) he protests very loudly (see the last picture!) But the weather was beautiful here this afternoon and we went for a long walk as Spencer cruised the neighborhood looking for chics!! (think Mikey from "Look Who's Talking!")