Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Wild Monkey

I adore these two pictures especially the one with a big smile. I love these pictures for several reasons...first-Meme was holding Madeline and making her giggle and I cherish the time that Meme and Poppy get to spend with my children. Second, I just love that towel-it was a present from a very old friend. Not a friend that really old, but a friend that I've known a long time and every time I put Madeline in that towel-I think about her and our childhood. Lastly, that Madeline...she is a "character" as Meme says. Meme says to watch out...when she gets mobile-you won't be able to make her be still. She has given up her 10:00 PM bottle-which was really the only time that she would snuggle with anyone and I'm a little sad about that but she is growing and healthy and strong. She loves her brother and Hailey. The doctors think she has a funny shaped head-I'm beginning to think that's just Maddy and that's how it's going to be. Half the time she looks at you like, "Where's the party??" and the other half of the time she looks around like, "I'm the pearl and this world is my oyster." I can't wait to see what she becomes....
"You are the sunshine in my are the apple of my eye."

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