Sunday, June 22, 2008

What will I be when I grow up???

Probably not a gardener!! We went to Publix today to pick up some things and to get a housewarming gift for my friend Margaret. I picked out a small peace lily and put it in the back of the shopping cart-you would have thought that the peace lily was a spider the way Spencer reacted. He would have NOTHING to do with that peace lily and wanted out of the cart. I tried to reassure him and have his touch the leaf BUT NO!! He just wanted to protest loudly to the existence of said peace lily. I had to act fast to divert his attention so I picked up a new tootbrush and showed it to him. He was Coo-Coo for that! To the point that he would not give it to the cashier to check out. Again, protesting loudly....then he remembered the man eating peace lily in the back of the cart and all heck broke loose. The cashier graciously swiped the drooled on, half eaten packaging of the toothbrush and handed it back to protesting child. (thank you Publix's cashier lady) I'm still having visions of "Little Shop of Horrors"-where there is a CRAZY dentist and a man eating plant "FEED ME SPENCER! FEED ME!"
If your curious-the peace lily got delivered, the toothbrush made it out alive and Spencer is sleeping soundly having finished his protesting for the day...


Anonymous said...

Kelly and Michael,

Happy 3rd Anniversary!!!!!!

xoxo, Wendy, Michael, Mignon and Gracie

Unknown said...

ok, so I forgot your anniversary but I wanted you to know how much I miss y'all and how much Annie misses "Baby"

I love you,