Friday, December 18, 2009

Tick, tock...tick, tock

It's friday afternoon and I'm waiting for the bell to ring so I can leave school and race home to finish getting ready for the Christmas Party. Yes, Leslie and Elizabeth-I am supposed to be working but it's the friday before winter break and I'm sure you guys are doing the same thing I am!! :)
I know many of you are disappointed that this post has no pictures attached and very soon I will sit down and post some recent pictures of the adorable little people that live at my house but for a couple of minutes I just want sit and wish every one a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....

I can't believe that 2009 is over. It has been an exciting year and a year full of changes. The addition of Madeline to our family has been such a blessing. As I look back through last year's blogs...I came across one where I talked about holding Spencer and telling him that everything would be ok. I remember thinking, "How will I ever love this second child as much as I love Spencer?" I think that's why God makes babies so cute and he made Madeline especially cute-because my goodness do we love that girl!!! She is so full of life and happiness. It's hard not to smile when you see her. And Spencer-taking it all in stride-happy as a Lark!!

I'm so thankful for my life, for my husband and for my healthy babies...what did I do to deserve all this? So-if we don't see you before Dec. 25th-Merry Christmas and we love you all....May 2010 bring you lots of laughter and love.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Fun!

We had tons of fun this weekend! James came and spent the night with us and Madeline turned 6 months old today! Here are a couple of videos from the weekend. The post below this one has a link to all of the pictures from this fall from snapfish. I thought that was pretty handy thing to do!

Fall 2009 (136 photos), by kelly day

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Wild Monkey

I adore these two pictures especially the one with a big smile. I love these pictures for several reasons...first-Meme was holding Madeline and making her giggle and I cherish the time that Meme and Poppy get to spend with my children. Second, I just love that towel-it was a present from a very old friend. Not a friend that really old, but a friend that I've known a long time and every time I put Madeline in that towel-I think about her and our childhood. Lastly, that Madeline...she is a "character" as Meme says. Meme says to watch out...when she gets mobile-you won't be able to make her be still. She has given up her 10:00 PM bottle-which was really the only time that she would snuggle with anyone and I'm a little sad about that but she is growing and healthy and strong. She loves her brother and Hailey. The doctors think she has a funny shaped head-I'm beginning to think that's just Maddy and that's how it's going to be. Half the time she looks at you like, "Where's the party??" and the other half of the time she looks around like, "I'm the pearl and this world is my oyster." I can't wait to see what she becomes....
"You are the sunshine in my are the apple of my eye."

More Adventures in the Fall....

Adventures in the Fall.....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Time

So-it's that time of year again. Time to put some sort of pumpkin creation in our big urns out front. So, Michael and I loaded up the kids and decided to check out a few pumpkin places, planning to end up at the pumpkin patch. was so cold and rainy yesterday that I told Michael to just drop us off and go to the pumpkin patch and get two, big pumpkins. I thought we would just have one, big pumpkin in each urn and that would get the job done this year. WELL-I'd say that Michael completed his mission! Our new motto-"Go big or go home!" Pumpkin pie anyone??

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Videos of Madeline

Just a couple of videos of little girl! Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wild Things and Doctor's visits

So, I realize that it's been a month since I posted anything on here and I am really sorry. Seems like there is always something to do with two kids! Everyone is good and we are enjoying having some cooler weather up here! It's still so good to see the sunshine-last week-I thought we would have to build an ark or find someone that could because of all the rain.
Spencer is such a character these days. He is trying his best to act "2" with the occasional meltdown but he is generally a really good kid. He loves to "tackle" his Daddy these days and roll around on the ground with him. Lately, when I tell him "no" he knows he will get in trouble if he says "no" back so he just growls at me. I've tried my hardest to get it on video or a picture but he is such a little stinker...anyway-I tell him, "wild thing-I love you so!" His language has really started coming out. Tonight he told me, "No mommy, that's not a little bus, that's a big bus!" Genius, pure genius I tell you.
Madeline (aka the moose) went to the doctor today for her 4 month appointment today. She is in the 99% for both height and weight. My girl has got some thighs-no doubt! She weighs 16.7 lbs (aka the moose). Her head is on the petite side (go figure!). This, of course, worries me a little but the doctor said not to worry-we will keep an eye on it and it will continue to grow. The doctor told Madeline today, "Do you know your only 4 months old? Your acting like a 6 month old!" Madeline did show off a bit today-she babbled to Dr. Sheth and rolled over both ways. So, developmentally she is right on target. She did have a double ear infection. No idea where that came from because she ran no fever or acted like she cared. She continues to be such a happy, content baby and loves watching her brother. are a few recent pictures to enjoy. I love Spencer's face in the first picture. He thinks that Hailey and Madeline are the funnest things ever! Notice Madeline's finger in one of them...that's what she thought of the South Carolina game!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

So, it's been a few weeks since I'vd put anything up here. We have been very busy! As most of you know I kinda switched jobs...just added more time with the school system, so I have been trying to get settled into a new school. Michael has been busy with football and grad school work and the kids have just been along for the ride! They are both doing so well...Spencer loves going to Ms. Anne's to be around all of his friends and Madeline is just such a easy baby. Yes-she's a spitter just like her brother but hey-she's healthy and happy-so we'll live with the spit for a little while. Here are some recent pictures...Oh yeah-I don't know WHERE Madeline gets that pouty lip from! Hehehe

Thursday, August 13, 2009

photo shoot of girls

Kate and Mary Martin came to visit today and we took some pictures of the girls with their matching outfits!! They are such a cute pair!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This time of year....

This time of year, this time of year...yep, it's football season. As Kate says-I become a football widow. I sorta of become a single mom and let me tell you, I have a new found respect for single moms or mamas who's husbands work and/or travel all the time. At least I get my husband back in time for Christmas. But, this time of year...well it's kinda of special to me. I get to watch my husband turn into a football coach once again. The first few days before practices begins he runs around the house getting his "gear" together. He gets it all organized and in the right place so he can grab and go. The first few weeks before the first game are long....long practices and no game on Friday makes for a long week but then we get in the groove...late practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...home early on Thurs and then YEAH-GAME DAY on Friday. Michael always teases me because I NEVER made it for kick off before we had kids and now I KNOW I'll never make it for kickoff now, but that's what happens when you have kids I guess....
So we get to game day, the game has already started and I search the sidelines or press box for that tall, blond man that is my husband...there he is-this year he's in maroon and gold. Sometimes if I'm not too late, he'll be searching the crowds to find us and I always stand to give a wave. I usually get a wave or a head nod back but it's always a smile-that smile that I fell in love with some 11 years ago.
To watch someone you love do something that they love DEARLY is truly a blessing. To see Michael become a football coach every year is a blessing. Yes, it's a little harder with two kids and Spencer will say, "Daddy, football?" but it's so worth it. Last year there was a championship and after everything that has happened in the last few years-Michael deserved that. I will never forgot running up to him after the game. We just looked at each other and there were tears. I don't know if there will be a championship this year but that doesn't matter. Just to see him coach is better than another ring in my book.
The first year I dated Michael, he was a student assistant for the Ole Miss Rebels. A good friend of mine went to most of the games with me. At the first game-Michael ran out on the field. Barbara took one look at my face and sighed heavily. She said, "It's over. You're done. There will be no one else." I told her she was crazy and to leave me alone and then she quoted a movie. I will never forget this line and think about that quote about this time every year. "He's just a man on a horse, baby girl. Nothing more. Just a man on a horse." I love this time of year....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Madeline's 2 month appointment

We went to see the doctor yesterday for Madeline's 2 month appointment. She weighed 13 lbs and 11 oz. She has gained 2 pounds in a month! She was 25" long and has grown an inch and a half in a month! So she was 98% for height and 92% for weight. My big, strong girl!! Her head remains a normal size-not huge like her brother. Everything else looked great-we are going to try some cereal in her bottles to slow down the spit up...we'll see what happens! I used rice cereal in Spencer's bottles and it didn't lessen the spit up-just slowed it down so you could catch it faster!
I don't want to curse it but Madeline spent through the night last night-I mean REALLY slept through the night-she had a bottle around 10, went down around 10:30 and I didn't hear from her until 5:30 this morning-which is about the time I am going to have to get up anyway when school starts. She is such a great baby. I am so lucky to have two beautiful, healthy children...
I go back to work next week (boo-hoo!) and Spencer and Maddy go back to Mrs. Anne's. I think Spencer is secretly thrilled about this...he wakes up in the morning asking to "go, go, go" and then starts asking: "go see Meme??" "go see Poppy?" "go see Kate?"
So, that's the report...will posted more pictures soon!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Lord's Day

I know...I did these posts backwards-so scroll down and read from the bottom up! Anyway-on Sunday-we had Madeline baptized at Glenn Memorial Methodist Church on the Emory Campus. We chose that church because that is Dr. David Jones' church. Dr. Jones and his father go way back with the Day family and he is an outstanding minister. His sermon the day of the baptism was excellent and it's almost as if God wanted us to be there that day to hear that specific message...basically get out of God's way and let him take control. If you don't-you might just miss something!
Madeline had the honor of wearing the Pela (my mom's side of the family) baptismal gown that was first worn when Abe Lincoln was president and the underdress came from a parachute that my mom's dad used when he bailed out of his plane in WWII. Lots of history and I am so honored to be able to pass that on to my children.

Anna Lauren rolls into town

So Mary Martin arrived on thursday and Matt, Mandi and Anna Lauren arrived on friday for a long weekend. It was so great to have them in town and for all the "1st round of cousins" to get to play together. We loved having them here and hope we can all be together again very soon! We love you Matt, Mandi and Anna Lauren!

Welcome to the world Mary Martin!

Mary Martin Thornton (aka Madeline's partner in crime) arrived last thursday and weighed 8lbs and 13 oz. She looks JUST like her brother and can already wear a bow in all that thick black hair....yes, I'm just a tad jealous that Madeline is a little "hair impaired" at the moment, but Mary Martin is beautiful! Kate pushed for approximately 10 mins (whatever-overachiever!) and Mary Martin arrived without any complications! We are so blessed to have healthy babies all the way around!

Trip to Gulfport

I was so excited to take Spencer and Madeline home to meet their great grands! We had a great time visiting with Maw-Maw, Paw-Paw and Robbie and I got to visit with my dear friend Wendy. Spencer loved going for a ride with Poppy in the golf cart and Maddy had a great time with her new "friend"....a plush red cross that came from Meme office. I don't realize how much I miss the coast, my extended family and the water until I get down there...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Green Eggs and Ham mixed with a little jet fuel....

So life has been pretty exciting around here lately. First, some of you know but I wanted to post this for everyone else: Madeline had her 1st month appointment last Friday. She weighed 11 lbs and 11 oz and was 24 in long. That means that she has gained 2 lbs and 1 in in the last month. Like Meme says, "that's what happens when you feed them!" and boy does she get fed. That girl likes to eat and you better not get between her and food when she is hungry. I guess she thinks we are going to let her starve. Everything else at the doctor was perfect. Her head grew too but is still smaller that her bowling ball for a head brother at this age! Anyway-like I said everything else was perfect and the doctor answered all of my questions, even the irrational ones. All the pediatricians at our doctor's office know that I'm a SLP and know that I know just even to make me stupid-so they tolerate me. So, Maddy is a healthy growing girl and for that I'm thankful!
Life at home has been a typical lazy summer with two kids (I guess!). Spencer's new favorite book is "Green Eggs and Ham" and actually anything Dr. Seuss lately. Which I adore but he is particular fond of Green Eggs right now. He pretends to eat the eggs off the page and names all the things in the book. He is also the poster child for bug repellent these days. He LOVES being outside to survey the backyard with Hailey. The only problem is that the bugs love him. We make sure to COVER him in bug spray, I stick fabric sheets in his pockets and we have citronella candles out there but nothing helps. He just ends up sticky as heck,smelling like a clean towel AND has some bug bites. The only thing left to do is put him in a bubble because keeping him inside all day is NOT an option!
Madeline is so fun. She is picking up her head and looking around. She likes to look at the lights and loves being on her daddy's chest. She even has a birthmark on the side of her ribcage in about the same spot as her daddy but on the opposite side. We are so proud of her because she burps like an Ole Miss Frat boy and what comes out the other end...WOW! It sounds like we loaded her up with jet fuel and she is going to propel herself into the atmosphere. We are so proud of our delicate little flower. So if you see an UGPB (unidentified giant pick bow) flying through the night sky, well, that's just our little Madeline and she has completed her mission.
So-I must go now-Spencer just came in with TWO new bug bites-ON THE BRIDGE OF HIS NOSE!! Really-the one place I didn't get the bug repellent. Anybody know where I can find a bubble suit?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Saturday Night....

So, last night Michael and I loaded up the KIDS (plural-still weird!) and headed down to Decatur to play with Kate, Jim and James. Thanks guys for letting us crash your saturday afternoon! The boys had fun playing and we even managed to get a picture with 3 out of 4 of Meme and Poppy's grandkids. It dawned on us that Meme and Poppy are about to have FIVE grandchildren!! WOW-that's a lot in two years! Anyway-we all had a good time and for those of you that don't know-SUPER WHY! is Spencer's favorite show and I watch at LEAST two episodes every day. Now, MY children were NEVER going to sit and watch tv for hours on end and if they did I was certainly going to be right beside them to TALK about what they were watching and make it more interactive-to get some language out of it. Well-that's the B.S. I have been feeding my speech therapy clients for YEARS-if your child is watching TV-make it interactive-what a load of YOU KNOW WHAT!! Anyway-Spencer loves SUPER WHY and I must admit-it's a really good show for him to like. He can now recognize his letters and all of the stories are based on classic stories like Little Red Riding Hood. I'm ok with him watching it-what's so funny is that Michael and I talk more about SUPER WHY! than we do about the shows we love. It's very sad, really but we feel like the main characters are our friends as well and notice crazy little things about the show like the fact that "Alphapig" always gives a "big thumbs up"- who knew that pigs had thumbs?? or that Whyatt does "jazz hands" before he turns into SUPER WHY? So the next time you find yourself with a "super big problem" call on the Super Readers!!! Super Readers to the rescue!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A moment like this....

Anybody remember the first American Idol and the song that Kelly Clarkson sang? "Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this?" That song keeps playing in my head the last couple of weeks. These small moments with my two children...I waited and prayed for moments like this. My prayers have been answered.