Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bad Peas, BAD Peas!!!!

So, tonight we exprienced what it's like to see your child hurt-I mean REALLY hurt. Spencer was helping me fix dinner-he likes to take the cans out of the pantry and then put them back. Well, a big can of English peas slipped out of his hand and landed directly on his big tongue. Now, we all know how bad that hurts...can you imagine what a 17 month old must think-he doesn't even know any curse words to say to make it better. We had to have a grandparent consult-so Big Daddy came to comfort and then Grandmommy came to make sure Spencer was still alive....We all survived...Spencer is sleeping (thanks, children's motrin!), I have had a drink and that can of peas will now go on a higher shelf! I wanted to post these pictures tonight so that people would actually believe my excuse for not going to PTA tonight at school!


Anonymous said...

Poor poor baby!!!! Here's a virtual hug for baby boy.

Elizabeth said...


Leslie Gilbreath said...

Yuck! Not fun...hope all is better!